October 04, 2024

VIDEO: Earl Thomas and none of his Seattle Seahawks teammates have NFL Super Bowl Experience, but player confidence is overflowing

It’s Media Day for NFL Super Bowl XLVIII and everyone is amped up, the media, the players, the coaches, staff, fans, and hanger-ons.

What’s The 411Sports correspondent Andrew Rosario caught up with Earl Thomas, Seattle Seahawks free safety about his current state of mind, the Seahawks’ lack of NFL Super Bowl experience, and the determining factor for victory. Here’s an abbreviated exchange and you can watch the video for the entire conversation.

“…It really hasn’t hit me yet,” explained Earl Thomas of the Seattle Seahawks. “Everything seems like a blur and I’m enjoying it; maybe after the game, whatever happens, it may hit me.”

“Your team has no players that have Super Bowl experience, have you reached out to players that have played in the game?,” asked Andrew Rosario.

“No, not really,” Thomas responded. “I’m just doing my normal routine that I have been doing all year. And, I’ll never let a game get bigger than what it is…It’s just football at the end of the day for me.”

“What’s going to be the determining factor for you guys to come out on top,” Rosario asked?

“Just us,” said Thomas. “Paying attention to the details, understanding the type of situations we are in…”

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