October 05, 2024

Cal Marshall, son of newly elected Rep. Roger Marshall, a Republican from Kansas, dabs at his father's ceremonial swearing-in

Can you imagine, it’s your big day, you won your election, and now, it’s time for the ceremonial photo-opp. The photographers are there, the video is rolling, and Paul Ryan, the U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives, also with hand on Bible is ready for the close-up. The only this is, while everyone is looking at the camera, your 17-year-old son, standing between you and the Speaker, decides to dab.

The funny thing, or perhaps, not so funny thing was, Speaker Ryan thought Representative Dr. Roger Marshall's son, Cal, needed to sneeze when he was dabbing during the photo-opp.

"Do you want to put your hand down?" Ryan said. "You gonna sneeze? That it?"

Later, Representative Marshall tweeted to Speaker Ryan that he grounded his son, Cal.


Roger Marshall tweets to Speaker Paul Ryan that he grounded his son for dabbing at swearing in photo opp



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