June 01, 2024

Leaving Boston Brings Mixed Emotions for Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce

The Brooklyn Nets today introduced its newest team members: Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Jason Terry.

The players expressed honest emotions about moving to the New York region.

Pierce and Garnett spoke about the difficulty of leaving Boston but understand the Nets provide them with a better opportunity to compete. Pierce, clearly experiencing separation anxiety, revealed a full spectrum of emotions, as he leaves the Boston Celtics, the only NBA franchise he's ever known.

"You know, it's tough," he said, "when you've been in a situation like me for 15 years, and you come to an organization, the Brooklyn Nets. But when you look at what they're trying to do here, win a championship, bring in the pieces necessary – a new arena, new owners, new excitement – it really brings a little bit of excitement.

"Obviously I would have loved to end my career in Boston, but that day and age is probably over with, a lot of players ending their careers in one city. I just, when the trade happened you felt excited, especially with Kevin and Jason coming along (to make) the situation, not only for me but for each other, a little more comfortable. And the ultimate drive is winning a championship. Obviously, Boston is going in a different direction and at this point in our careers, we're championship-driven. We've made a lot of money in our careers, won a number of awards, and I think at this point right now we're all about winning a championship. Brooklyn, we feel, gives us the best opportunity."

Starting with a "What's up, Brooklyn!," Garnett co-signed on Pierce's sentiments about moving from Boston.

"Very similar to what Paul said, I think he summed it up," said Garnett. "It's unfortunate that we have to obviously move from Boston, but I feel like both sides are going in different directions. For me, one of the major reasons I decided to come here was because the bones of this. I feel like adding what you see up here, with the bones of what they have already, with Brook (Lopez), Deron (Williams), Joe (Johnson) and the other pieces they have here, I feel this gives us the best option to win again, to win it all. I'm embracing this opportunity, my family's embracing this opportunity, we're looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it."

Terry is looking forward to playing in Brooklyn, but his experience is much different from Pierce. His is similar to career military personnel.

"To be able to take another journey with these two outstanding gentlemen right next to me (Pierce and Garnett) is just an honor," said Terry. "I've been in Atlanta, Dallas, Boston. And now to be able to call Brooklyn my home, I'm just very blessed and honored. And ready."

Although Garnett, Pierce, and Terry are ready to roll, it's clear that the trade hit Pierce the hardest.

"It hasn't really sunk in. I think it's really starting to sink in as we speak, just being in this arena," he said. "I saw my jersey up in the locker room, and it's like you saw the trade and it was like, okay there's a trade, but for me to actually be here now looking for a place to live, being in this arena, trying to get to know my way around the city, it's really starting to sink in now that this has become real."

"I'm no longer a Boston Celtic. I'm a Brooklyn Net. That's what it is right now. It's business, at some point we all have to move on. I'm here to try to create some kind of legacy here in Brooklyn."

This probably explains Pierce's recent Twitter frenzy with pictures of him in a Celtics uniform.

Watch VIDEO: Scenes from the Press Conference Introducing Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Jason Terry

Andrew Rosario, Chief Correspondent, What's The 411SPORTS' takes us inside a press conference held at the Barclays Center introducing the newest members of the Brooklyn Nets team.

Gary Sussman, Vice President, Public Relations, opened the press conference with the introduction of Nets General Manager Billy King who lauded Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Jason Terry. These new members of the Brooklyn Nets make the team a formidable force in the NBA's Eastern Conference and a championship contender.

Prokhorov Wants A Ring

Brooklyn Nets Principal Owner, Mikhail Prokhorov, flew in from Moscow specifically for this occasion. Prokhorov didn't mince any words, he expects the Brooklyn Nets to be a championship contender. He noted that Garnett, Pierce, and Terry each have at least one ring, while at the present moment, he has none.

Also in attendance were Brooklyn Nets Head Coach, Jason Kidd; Bruce Ratner, Chairman, Forest City Ratner Companies and Developer of the Barclays Center; Brett Yormark, CEO, Brooklyn Nets; and Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz.


Photo Credits: Alexis Williams/What's The 411 Networks

The end-of-season stench of disappointment that occupied the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY, the newly minted home of the NBA Brooklyn Nets, is gone, for now.

What has replenished the stench is a new smell, more appealing to the ever-growing fan base that the Nets continue to grow. That new smell, similar to a new car smell is hope, opportunity, and expectations. Those are the words that can be and will be attached to the Nets as they begin their 2013 NBA campaign on the road against a promising Cleveland Cavaliers basketball club. What's different about this year's assembled Nets team, despite its new home, is billionaire boys' club owner Mikhail Prokhorov's recently retired and just hired NBA coach Jason Kidd and the new additions that they have acquired to help bolster their roster with the expectations of positive results.

Welcome, Paul Pierce, the 36-year-old veteran, or as we like to refer to him as "The Truth", who has produced a resume that boasts an NBA championship, an NBA Finals MVP and 10 All-Star selections most notably. Meet Kevin Garnett, who aided Pierce in achieving their first NBA championship in 2008 with the Boston Celtics. Garnett is also the proud owner of an impeccable resume, which includes 15 All-Star selections, an MVP award, and the Defensive Player of the Year award, utilizing his anger to induce pain on everyone, not on his team. These Hall of Fame-bound players have to be properly introduced and separated from the rest of the players that complete the Nets offseason moves, and those players include journeyman Jason Terry, wingman Alan Anderson, a rehabilitated and resurrected Shaun Livingston, forward Andrei Kirilenko, and 1st Round Draft Pick center, Mason Plumlee. When you review the Nets 2012-2013 NBA season, analyzing their wins, playoff success or lack thereof, and compare it to the offseason roster changes to modify their chances within the eastern conference there's only one question that needs a response. How good can the Nets be this season? I think they can be very good, but at what expense?

When teams agree to swap players, contracts or draft picks, the overall and general goal is to rid themselves of their unwanted parts to gain something in return that they value more than what they have decided to give up. In this case, the Nets gave up relatively young starters and role players in forwards Kris Humphries, Gerald Wallace and guards, Marshon Brooks and Keith Bogans. The combination of Pierce and Garnett representing the upgrades in the starting lineup over Humphries and Wallace at both forward spots is a no-brainer every day of the week, but the difference is which tandem is actually capable of remaining on the court for the duration of an entire 82-game NBA regular season. The Boston Celtics realized that their condensed version of a dynasty, which produced an NBA Championship, had come to a close. On the other hand, the Nets felt that the addition of two soon-to-be Hall-of-Famers may be exactly what they need to make their dreams of contending for the Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy a reality.

Basically, the Nets want to win now, but can they really? The Eastern Conference for all intended purposes has regained its honor back in being a respectable conference. The infusion of young talent and well organized and assembled teams spell trouble for the Nets in its climb to reach the mountaintop. Derrick Rose is healthy this year, returning to the same Bulls team that eliminated the Nets in the 1st round of the 2012-2013 postseason. Rose accomplishes the feat of the missing bulk to the Bulls' starting lineup. The Indiana Pacers added backup point guard CJ Watson, and forwards Chris Copeland and Luis Scola to replenish its bench. The Pacers also have All-Star forward Danny Granger back from injury to pair alongside budding star forward Paul George, who enjoyed the finest NBA season of his career averaging 17.4 points and being selected to his first All-Star team. The other NBA team sharing the same state with the Nets in neighboring Manhattan is the New York Knicks. It, too, has altered its roster adding famed NBA bad boy Metta World Peace (formerly Ron Artest) to further improve its team defense. The Knicks also acquired forward Andrea Bargnani from the Toronto Raptors to help take the pressure off star forward Carmelo Anthony on the offensive end of the court. Meanwhile, the defending Champs in the Miami Heat are prepped for another title run. The Heat boasts the "Super Friends" in forwards Lebron James, Chris Bosh, and guard Dwyane Wade. The Heat also added much-needed size to its frontcourt in signing former 2007 number 1 overall draft pick in center Greg Oden, as well as, scoring punch off the bench by forward Michael Beasley, the Heat's former Number 2 overall draft pick in 2008.

On paper, the Nets can contend, but the court is where it matters. The questions that the Nets will be forced to answer beginning October 30th, on the road in a meet and greet with the Cleveland Cavaliers will be: Can Jason Kidd inspire starting point guard Deron Williams to play at a level that we have not seen yet? Can Jason Kidd in his initial year as a Head Coach manage the variety of personalities at his disposal? Will Pierce and Garnett survive the 82-game schedule to play in meaningful games in May and June? Will the defense be able to control the game that best fits their strengths, as they will have a difficult time defending the fast-break as well as completing them? And finally, will the bench be able to pick up the time that Pierce and Garnett will inevitably miss this year to keep the team afloat in their absence? If the Nets can answer all of these questions, Brooklyn will have a summer for the ages, but this is their Graduate Record Examination (GRE) test and not everyone can obtain their Masters.

No two teams in the Eastern Conference went through more of a positive roster change on paper than the Brooklyn Nets and the Detroit Pistons. As it is well documented across the basketball globe, the Nets added Jason Kidd as head coach, along with two soon-to-be Hall of Famers in Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce, and five key bench players. The team also added 6th man of the year Jason Terry; Mister all world, Andrei Kirilenko aka AK-47; scoring and defending wing Alan Anderson; former McDonald’s- All American Shaun Livingston; and reserve rookie big man Mason Plumlee out of Duke University. These moves put the Nets atop the NBA elite if everyone can stay healthy and gel quickly since they have an older team.

As for the Pistons, they also added several key pieces that can put them atop the Eastern Conference, starting with the Coach Maurice Cheeks a great mentor to point guards and a former all-star point guard himself. Detroit made a big free agent splash with one of the most dynamic versatile players in the world, Josh Smith. The sign and trade for Brandon Jennings is pivotal in the new NBA where point guards rule the league. Similarly, drafting Kentavious Caldwell-Pope in the lottery fills a major hole in the Piston’s roster. Caldwell-Pope has all the tools of being a top shooting guard in the league. Additionally, an old face from its championship team, Mr. Chauncey “Big Shot” Billups adds playoff experience to a young roster.

For fans that came to the game looking for a point guard showdown, no such luck. Since it is pre-season, some of the key players on both teams were out. Absent were Deron Williams with an ailing right ankle, while Brandon Jennings was marked DNP due to dental issues. More to the point, there are a lot of unanswered questions coming into this season reflected in this game. How will Brook Lopez and Kevin Garnett and Joe Johnson and Paul Pierce complement each other since they have similar games? Is the Nets’ bench deep enough to overcome its aging roster? Can a young athletic team like Detroit be the Nets Achilles heel?

Paul Pierce and Joe Johnson seem to fit better together more so than Kevin and Brook. I guess the chemistry playing with each other earlier in their careers in Boston helped. They were able to make seamless switches on defense and knew when to clear out on the offensive end making sure spacing was adequate. I don’t foresee any problems here.

The combination of Brook Lopez and Kevin Garnett is under construction, but there are positive signs. They both have a high b-ball IQ, so they were able to find each other a lot in the post and in the mid-range, giving each other easy buckets. During the first quarter, they played six minutes. Kevin was 3-3 and Brook was 2-3 from the field, super efficient. On the negative side, Brook and Kevin are both high post players, which can leave the big men too high up and away from boards. They combined for two rebounds in the first quarter. The Nets won’t be able to live up to its lofty preseason expectations with its center and power forward having two rebounds in a quarter and a total of four for the game. Also, the defensive transition was a problem for the two big men. They were late getting back a couple of times leading to easy baskets by Detroit.

That Achilles Heel was present a lot of times tonight. The Pistons looked way too young and athletic tonight for one of the oldest teams in the league. So many easy baskets were scored by Andre Drummond by simply out-running or out-jumping the Nets. This really led to the 99-88 loss to the Pistons. The Nets seem to want to play an up-tempo style. However, I would take notes from the Spurs know when to run because you may get run over.

As I watched the game, I was thinking this could be a tough year for the Nets. I was concerned because I wasn’t sure where the team was going to get its scoring from off the bench. Then I realized former 6th Man of the Year, Jason Terry, was not playing. So I felt less concerned. AK-47, a great pick up, helped on both ends of the floor, offense and defense. His basketball IQ is through the roof. He made some great passes and steals with his great basketball instinct and hustle. I can tell he will be a crowd favorite. I also saw Brooklynite Gary Forbes on the Nets roster. He was a star for Benjamin Banneker High school right downtown Brooklyn. He stepped right in, didn’t look nervous during his 17minutes and looked like he could be a spark plug off the Nets bench. However, Coach Kidd reminded us during the postgame press conference that the Nets’ roster is already set at the maximum 15 guaranteed contracts. So it looks like Mr. Forbes is trying out for other teams.



Editor's note: The Brooklyn Nets have requested waivers on forward Gary Forbes, Nets General Manager Billy King announced tonight. Forbes, who was signed to the training camp roster on September 30, appeared in four preseason games, averaging 6.3 points and 2.0 rebounds per game.

The Nets roster now stands at 17 players.


The Brooklyn Nets took a hard loss at home in the Barclays Center against the Portland Trailblazers tonight. Team Black and White lost 108-98, leaving them with a 3-7 record at this point in the season.

“I take the blame for this. The guys played hard, we got a little stagnant on the offensive end so this falls on my shoulders. We got off to a good start and in that third quarter we came out a little flat and that falls on me,” Said Brooklyn Nets Head Coach Jason Kidd.

Regarding adjustments Portland may have made in the second half of the game that may have caused the drastic difference in the numbers, Coach Kidd responded, “I don’t know if it’s what Portland did, we had some great looks on offense, we didn’t score, and again, if we don’t score, we got to play the other side and tonight that again that falls on me.”

“Well, he feels it’s his fault, we look in the mirror as players, we feel it’s our fault," responded Brooklyn Nets shooting guard Jason Terry about the outcome of the game. “Everybody’s in this together that what it boils down to, we’ll watch some more film tomorrow. We head back out on the road again and we have to get it done, figure this thing out.”

“I take responsibility, it’s on all of us, me as well,” added Brooklyn Nets point guard Shaun Livingston. “I take the majority of that as well because as a point guard, you got to initiate the offense, make the right play calls to get guys involved and maybe that’s the time where I should look to be more aggressive to get into the paint, drawing fouls, maybe getting some free throws to pick our momentum back up."

“Just me personally, my job is to make shots, I only made two tonight. If I’m looking at myself individually it’s to make shots, however many shots you get, you got to make them” continued Terry.


“We got good looks offensively,” said Coach Kidd. “Again, the one thing I’ve always told the guys some nights the ball is going to go in and some nights, it’s not; but we got to be consistent on the defensive end and to start that third quarter, we weren’t.”

“At the same time defensively, we let them get comfortable. They had about five or six threes there that got them going,” added Jason Terry.


“We’re in it, we’re in a struggle right now, but it’s a grind, and we all have to be in it together, that’s the main thing,” said Shaun Livingston.

“We got to get healthy, we got to find a consistency to what we’re doing on both ends of the floor, so until that happens we’re going to continue to struggle. We figured it out that we have to play hard, we know that Jason Terry offered.

We can’t be one foot in and one foot out…., there is still the majority of the season left, it’s the first, what, two or three weeks,” Shaun Livingston added.

“Is this an evolutionary process,” asked Michael Bellamy?

“Oh, yeah, for sure, for sure and you don’t know when that’s going to happen, but when it does, it is going to be special and I believe that,” Jason Terry said emphatically.

“Again, as the coach, we got, we got some work to do,” Coach Kidd reiterated.


Reporter on the scene: Michael Bellamy

Videography: Lynndone Payne

After battering and bruising the New York Knicks by 41 points on Sunday, Dec. 8, the Boston Celtics lost to the Brooklyn Nets 104-96 on Tuesday at the Barclays Center.

In Deron Williams' return to the lineup after missing nine straight games, he scored 24 points. It was the first match-up for Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce against their former team as members of the Brooklyn Nets.

It was also the first time Garnett played against the Celtics--the last time was March 4, 2007, when he was with the Minnesota Timberwolves.

After the game, Garnett and Pierce both gave credit to Williams who had been out for the majority of the beginning of the season due to a sprained left ankle.

"D-Will set the tone for how we were going to play tonight," Garnett said.

"He's the head of the snake," Pierce said. "I mean he's one of the most important pieces of what we're trying to do here, what we're trying to build and trying to win a championship."

Pierce didn't start, but Williams said he gave the team a 'big boost off the bench.'

Coach Jason Kidd thought so too and has even considered bringing Pierce off the bench going forward.

But Kidd has taken a lot of heat thus far for the Nets' poor record and addressed his job security after fans were calling for his immediate firing.

"That's part of the job, you have to accept it, there are no excuses, you have to try to win," Kidd said when asked about his job. "Whatever any owner decides to do, that's his decision. For us, to have guys ready to play, no matter who it is, injuries or no injuries, you have to have guys ready to play. Patience is something I've always had and I still do and I still believe the process will work itself out. As a whole, we still believe we can win and have a positive season."

Last year, Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov fired coach Avery Johnson after 28 games last season. Assistant coach, PJ Carlesimo took over for the remainder of the 2013-2014 Season, but he too was fired after the Nets lost in the first round of the playoffs to the Chicago Bulls.

The Nets will take on the Los Angeles Clippers on Thursday.

Coming off a tough four-point loss to the surprisingly consistent and dangerous Detroit Pistons at the Palace in Auburn Hills on Friday, Dec. 13th, the more erratic Philadelphia 76ers, seemed just the right answer for the Nets to get back on track and continue to build on the momentum of Deron Williams' return to the starting lineup.

Having lost their previous game in a rout 139-105 to the most-improved Portland Trailblazers, the Sixers appeared listless and the Nets took advantage right from the jump ball, getting out to a quick 7-0 start and Deron Williams with great distribution to all starters, racking up 5 assists in the first 12 minutes to give the Nets a ten point (32-22) lead after one. Joe Johnson was leading all scorers with eight points and while you could tell his stroke was looking good and could have a great game, no one saw the third quarter coming.

While Philly was able to maintain its 10-point deficit (58-48) going into the half, mainly through points off turnovers and staying within striking distance, the third quarter would see the Nets blow the game wide open behind Joe Johnson's blazing hot hand.

After not scoring since the first quarter, an under-the-weather Johnson shot an unbelievable 13 for 20 (65%) overall and a mesmerizing 10 of 14 or 71% from beyond the arc totaling 29 points in the third quarter alone and 37 points for the game. By the end of 48 minutes of play, the Nets were up by 27, 100-73.

Not lost in the shooting exhibition, all Brooklyn Nets starters were in double figures with the team shooting 57 Percent. Andray Blatche, who continued to play outstandingly well, came up big with another 20-point game. He was asked, what do you do when Joe's having a big night like tonight.

"Keep feeding Joe, gotta keep feeding him the ball cause it gave us energy, gave the bench energy, it gave the crowd energy and it's probably the most exciting thing we've seen this season," Blatche responded.

You couldn't get Joe to come out for the 4th.

"Nah, he's a little sick and we wanted him for practice tomorrow," Blatche added.
In the locker room, Johnson was asked how he was feeling and what the shooting tonight felt like?

"I feel great and it was important for us to get a win," Johnson said. "It felt great and I was in the right spot a lot of the times at the right time so my teammates were just finding me and you catch the ball with the seams just right and every time it comes out your hand you feel like it's going in."

Deron Williams echoed those sentiments, "you gotta find the hot hand and when he (Johnson) gets cooking like that, you gotta get it to him. He went nuts, he had 29 in the quarter, oh my God! Anytime you get a win, you feel better and hopefully, we can keep it up, we knew this was a big week for us starting tonight against this team and we took care of business like we needed to and we got a tough Wizards team coming in and that's gonna be a totally different game. They went into the Knicks' house and beat them so they're a good team."

Once again, another positive result with Paul Pierce coming off the bench midway through the first quarter.

The Nets take on the Wizards on Wednesday and close out the week against the Sixers on Friday in Philly.

Brooklyn Nets center Brook Lopez underwent successful surgery this morning, January 4, 2014, to repair the fractured fifth metatarsal of his right foot, Nets' General Manager Billy King announced.

The procedure was performed by Dr. James Nunley, Duke University Medical Center's Department Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nets' foot and ankle specialist Dr. Martin O'Malley and team medical director Dr. Riley Williams III. In addition to the fracture repair, a second procedure, a first metatarsal osteotomy, was performed to unload and protect the injured area.

"With this procedure, we both fixed the broken bone (fifth metatarsal) in Brook's right foot and repositioned another bone, so that the sole of his foot will bear weight more evenly than before," said Dr. Williams. "The repositioning portion of the surgery lessens the stress on the fractured bone, and decreases the likelihood of re-injury in the future."

Lopez, who was injured during the December 20th game at Philadelphia, is out for the remainder of the season, but is expected to make a full recovery and will be back on the court for offseason workouts.

At the time of his injury, Lopez was averaging a team-high 20.7 points along with 6.0 rebounds and 1.76 blocks through 17 games played this season.

Nets Win Despite Injured Deron Williams

The Brooklyn Nets are still undefeated for 2014, after beating the Atlanta Hawks, 91-86 at the Barclays Center Monday night.

The Nets were without injured Deron Williams, but he wasn't missed as newbie Alan Anderson started in his place and finished with 23 points.

"We're undefeated this year," Anderson said after the game. "So as long as we just keep that rolling, man, we know we've got a couple of tough games ahead of us, but like I said, take it one game at a time, one practice at a time, and keep building."

Mirza Teletovic also had a big game, clutching four-three pointers which helped the Nets extend the lead over the Hawks at a point. He finished with 12 points.

The win for the Nets, who hold a 13-21 record, are now one game behind the Detroit Pistons for the eighth spot in the Eastern Conference, but they have to look to the hills with tough upcoming games against the Golden State Warriors and the Miami Heat. They beat Miami at home back on November 1, which was the season opener.

"I've never been on a team or seen a team that has gone through what we've gone through with injuries — from the summer to today's date," Nets head coach Jason Kidd said, who decided not to wear a tie for Monday's matchup. "We're going to have our hands full, but we've got to come with the same effort that we've had since the New Year started."

Meanwhile, Williams' ankle injury is never a good sign for the Nets. Williams has struggled since the start of the season after he sprained his right ankle and suffered a bone bruise during the offseason. His ankle swelled up Sunday night after practice and underwent an MRI in the morning. Because of Williams' injury, the Nets were forced to recall Tyshawn Taylor from the D-League. He left Springfield early Monday afternoon and arrived shortly before the game. However, Taylor did not play.

Despite Williams and Lopez Absence Nets Ekes Out a Win

With the face of the franchise, Deron Williams undergoing yet another procedure to help cure his ailing ankles and without leading scorer Brook Lopez out for the rest of the year, the Brooklyn Nets and their modest 3-game winning streak took on the hottest team in the NBA. The Golden State Warriors, coached by ex-NY Knick Mark Jackson came into the Barclays Center on a 10 game winning streak, the last 6 on the road. They were looking to make history by becoming the first team to win 7 consecutive games on the road.

The Nets biggest task would come on the defensive end trying to figure out how to contain 3-point sharpshooters Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson. It didn't take long for both of them to start showing their shooting prowess. Tied at 6, Curry and Thompson hit 2 three-pointers each.

Said Nets starting guard Shaun Livingston, "they came out guns blazing."

Warriors Andre Iguodala added a 3 of his own and before the fans popcorn was cold, Golden State took a 16 (32-16) point lead. Brooklyn joined the 3-point party to close out the first period with baskets by Mirza Teletovic and Joe Johnson closing the gap to 10 (32-22).

Brooklyn took advantage to begin the second with both Curry and Thompson on the bench outscoring Golden State 11-4 (35-33) to get back in the game. Lee, who scored 11 first-half points, hits 3 straight baskets putting them up by 5 (34-38) before the Nets closed out the half with a flurry.

Kevin Garnett's first attempt and basket gave the Nets their first lead of the second half (47-46) and when Teletovic banked a 3-pointer at the buzzer, Brooklyn took 59-52 lead into the half. The Nets hoping that the Warriors second game in a row would catch up to them in the second half.

The hot shooting for both teams (52% for both) that paced them in the first half, cooled off considerably to begin the third period. At one point, Brooklyn missed 6 straight shots allowing Golden State to stay within 3 at 69-66. Curry then showed why he is an all-around player. Driving to the basket, he puts up a left-handed, floating shot as he gets banged by Teletovic the ball falling through the net getting them within 1 (74-73). Warriors Harrison Barnes 3-pointer gave them a 1-point lead (76-75) going into the final period.

Kevin Garnett Saves the Day

Neither team led by more than 4 (Nets 93-89) as the score was tied on six different occasions with the horrid shooting continuing. At one stretch, the Warriors would go almost 5 minutes without a field goal. The last tie at 93 came after an Andre Blatche (17 points off the bench) fade-away. With the game seemingly in hand, Livingston commits an unforgivable foul sending Curry to the free-throw line after fouling him behind the arc. Curry calmly sinks all three getting them within two points (98-96) and then old man Kevin Garnett saved the day and the streak for Brooklyn.


Kevin Garnett MVI 6107 750x422.MOVKevin Garnett speaking with the media. Photo Credit: What's The 411 Networks


Aside from hitting on 3 of 4 baskets in the period, he steals a Curry pass attempt then hits 2 free throws to ice the game. Said Nets head coach Jason Kidd of Garnett's performance, "he looks like he's 25. Tonight defensively, he looked like he was 21."

The Brooklyn Nets were led by Joe Johnson and his 27 points while Curry finished with a game-high 34.

Unaware that his team was on the brink of making history, Jackson although disappointed in the loss focused on the bigger picture.

"None of us knew who actually held the record prior to us. The history we're chasing after is bigger than a 7-game road trip."

The Nets, as a team, made a conscious effort to put 2013 in their rearview and focus on 2014. Not a bad start after losing their most important player for the year and hoping their other important player could rebound from ankle problems.


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